Working in an environment of computers and internet surrounding with almost 24/7 make online shopping as one of routine habit. Especially end of the month when paycheck is available :). There are numerous of goods I bought online from item cost me from a figure till item cost me 4 figure. Wow, what a big number for me. I used almost all online shopping channel from blog (which is not really 100% trusted) to an establish platform like no matter in country or outside of the country.
One of the most memorable experiences buying online was during my confinement period. Having a first baby, there is a lot of things that I left out in my checklist. During this 60 days with my husband hundreds mile away from me ( I’m staying with my mother during confinement).I feel online shopping is the most helpful medium as a lot of review or rating from the buyer can be read for a particular product which helps me a lot for being a new mother. Courier service provider will be in front of my house at least once a week. Sometimes I did receive item every day from the courier service.
I decided to give breast milk to my baby as it was known as the best milk with enrich of nutritious for baby. Being a working mother I need to prepare EBM (Express Breast Milk) while I’m working to ensure my baby can have 100% breast milk feeding. However expressing breast milk it is not easy as my first impression. Not all breast pumps in market can suit with all individual needs . I just get to learn this is really subjective for each different mother and for my case I have bought one which cannot suit me and as a result I failed to express out my milk. I almost give up and intend to switch to formula milk. Here you are online buying do help me. After a while reading reviews for breast pump I finally decide to give a try on Medela Harmony breast pump.
After 3 days placing the order, I have received the Breast Pump and I’m very satisfied with this choice. I manage to pump out my milk and fulfill the daily need of my baby right until today. I’m proud to say Miqael is fully breastfeed right until today – 4months++ by using this pump.
(Not to mention buying the breast pump online reduce the price 40% then buying it from the shop – worth it for price)
Below is picture of my baby Miqael which fully breastfeed, my Medela Harmony Breast pump with EBM stock.
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