On 28 March of 2009 , my status was oficially change from single to married. Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat seperti yang dirancang. Even though i'm facing alot of obstacle towards my marriage but dengan sekali nafas ijab dan kabul from my beloved husband Mr Norazlan bin Nordin. Thanks to all who giving me support either direct or indirect. Bergelar as wife nie banyak perubahan yag bakal berlaku dalam hidup. Sebagai contoh yang drastik, kene memasak untuk suami sebabnye suami dah cakap if asyik makan kat kedai je baik kahwin dengan anak tokei kedai tue. A picture paints a thousand word. Attach is some of the picture for my akad nikah. If you guys interested to view more, feel free to visit my picasa. http://picasaweb.google.com/thinkerbell.lady/AkadNikah
From factory to victory. Millionaire in the making. Insyallah